What is the difference between an "Admin" and a "Super Admin" profile?
How do I login now that I need a verified email address?
Why are there so many admins in my account?
Do I need to create an individual profile for each agency worker? Where do I create new agency profiles and agencies?
What happened to the “Missing Employee Information” step on the To Do List?
What do I tell an employee who needs help logging into the Covr employee app?
What will happen to individuals who do not have a verified email address on their Covr profile?
Where did the "Find +" tool go?
What do I do if my employee doesn’t have an email address?
How can I give someone manager access and make them an admin?
What is the “Employees without Covr Profiles” tool? Why aren’t any people showing up on this list?
How can I access the employees I have removed (archived)? How do I unarchive an employee?
How do I remove someone from my people page? How do I archive a profile?
How do I send an employee their login credentials?
FAQ for the New People Page (comprehensive)