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FAQ for the New People Page (comprehensive)

Frequently asked questions about the new people page

Makaela avatar
Written by Makaela
Updated over 2 years ago

How do I send an employee their login credentials?

Find the employee on the people page and hit the “edit” button on the far right of their name.

On the next screen, hit “Send login credentials” on the top right.

How do I remove someone from my people page? How do I archive a profile?

Find the person you want to archive on your people page and hit the “edit” button on the far right of their name.

Scroll down to the “Archive Profile” section.

Hit the “Archive profile” button.

This will remove them from the people page so they can no longer be scheduled for shifts or have access to Covr.

How can I access the employees I have removed (archived)? How do I unarchive an employee?

Go to the "Settings" tab at the top of the page and select “Archived Profiles”.

This will take you to a new page where you will be able to see employee, agency, and admin profiles that have been archived in the past. Find the person you would like to put back in your account and hit the “Unarchive” button to the far right of their name.

What is the “Employees without Covr Profiles” tool? Why aren’t any people showing up on this list?

If your company’s payroll integration is set up with Covr, we will prompt you to add individuals who are showing up on your payroll but who do not yet have a profile in Covr on the “Employees without Covr Profiles” tool.

If your company’s payroll isn’t set up to provide this information or if your people page is already up to date, no one will show up on this list.

What do I do if my employee doesn’t have an email address?

For increased security, Covr now requires all users to have a verified email address to access the employee app. Please encourage the employee to create an email if they do not already have one – they are free and easy to use.

What will happen to individuals who do not have a verified email address on their Covr profile?

When an employee with an unverified email address goes to login to the employee app, they will be prompted to recreate their credentials by adding a valid email address. They will then need to verify this email address before proceeding.

How can I give someone manager access (make them an admin)?

This can now be done on the "Admin" tab of the people page.

Select the “Add admin” button in the top right corner and fill in the needed information to create a new admin account.

What is the difference between an "Admin" and a "Super Admin" profile?

An "Admin" has normal management access for their facility. A "Super Admin" also has management access for their facility (or multiple facilities) along with the ability to create new Admin / Super Admin profiles for any facilities they have access to.

Why are there so many admins in my account?

Anyone who has management access to your facility will show up on your list of admins. There are likely outdated individuals on this list if there hasn’t been regular updating of admin accounts. There may also be corporate, divisional, or regional people who have access to the facility and may appear on this list.

Do I need to create an individual profile for each agency worker? Where do I create new agency profiles and agencies?

Yes, you need to create an individual profile for each agency worker. This can be done on the "Agency" tab of the people page.

Select the “Add agency worker” button in the top right corner and fill in the needed information.

You can also add new agencies by going to the “Manage Agencies” section of the "Settings" tab.

Where did the “Find Tool” go?

The "Find Tool" tool has been removed since it is no longer necessary. When creating a new profile, Covr will search to see if the person is already in the system based on the information you input. If an existing profile is found, Covr will prompt you to add that profile instead of creating a new one for them.

What happened to the “Missing Employee Information” step on the To Do List?

Due to the release of the new people page, that step is no longer needed. All employees will be added and updated through the people page.

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