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Use the To-do List

How to complete each step on the To-do List

Breanne avatar
Written by Breanne
Updated over a year ago

1️⃣ Update Your Census

Update your census by changing the number in the “Overall Census” box. This is important because your budget and many other helpful reports and tools are based off of this number.

Hit "See Monthly View" to see the census for the entire month (numbers in green have been changed, numbers in red have not). For more detailed reporting, you can break down your census into your different wings, halls, units, etc.

2️⃣ Reconcile Past Absences

In this step, Covr is trying to guess when an employee might have been absent by comparing the schedule to the time clock data. If there is someone who was scheduled to work but never clocked in for the day, they'll appear on this list.

  • If an employee was absent, select the absence that best applies.

  • If it’s a missed punch, fix it through your payroll system.

  • If this employee should not have been scheduled, remove them from the schedule.

3️⃣ Reconcile Past Unscheduled Hours

Unscheduled hours are the hours worked (according to the time clock data we received) that were not accounted for on the schedule. To make sure Covr has an accurate record of who worked every day, make sure to schedule these employees for the appropriate shift.

  • Select the shift and location that they worked.

  • You can also manually add any employee that is showing up on this list directly to the schedule and it will remove them from this list.

4️⃣ Manage Shift Targets

Shift targets are the number of employees you want staffed for each shift. This tool allows you to update your shift targets according to your changing needs. It compares the hours/PPD you have planned to your budgeted hours/PPD.

  • Update your targets by clicking in the box associated with the day and shift you would like to change. When you change the target number, notice how this affects your planned hours/PPD.

  • Make sure to Save when you are done making changes.

5️⃣ Add/Remove Open Shifts

In this tool, Covr suggests the amount of shifts you should open/close based on the shift targets you updated in the previous step.

If you click on the green Open button, Covr will open those shifts on your schedule so that you hit your target for the day.

6️⃣ Manage/Incentivize Open Shifts

The purpose of this tool is to view your upcoming open shifts and allow you to manage the settings for each of them.

  • You can assign an employee to this shift manually by clicking Schedule.

  • You can incentivize this shift to make it more attractive for your employees to pick up in their app. You can incentivize by adding overtime eligibility, bonus, or stars.

  • You can send a text to eligible employees in hopes of finding one who will pick up the shift by clicking Text.

7️⃣ E-Daily

The E-daily report shows a breakdown of PPD/hours for individual employees, but it also breaks down PPD/hours by category (e.g. CNA, LPN/LVN, and RN). You will want to spend time each day looking at yesterday, today, and tomorrow’s E-daily to ensure you know what has and what will occur.

  • Compare actual hours worked to what you had planned for any past day and its impact on the budget by selecting the date at the top.

  • Use the comment section to keep a record of why your day did or did not match with what was planned and budgeted. For example, if you were over/under your budgeted hours, use the comment section of the E-daily to explain your variances (e.g. orientation, mandatory education or competency trainings, associates on modified duty, survey, blizzards, etc.).

  • View the current and future days, by selecting the date at the top, to determine if you need to adjust scheduled hours based on census, acuity, planned admissions/discharges, etc.

8️⃣ Make/Print Future Shift Assignments

Format your Shift Assignment Daily to your liking by clicking the Settings button. These settings will become your new default.

Assign your employees their shift assignments under the Shift column, add any Shift Assignment Details, and then print once you're ready!

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