Employee profiles can be added through the People tab in Covr.
From the People tab, there are two different ways you can add an employee:
1️⃣ Using the Employees without Covr Profiles tool
If your company’s payroll integration is set up with Covr and the employee you would like to add is already clocking in/out at your facility, use the Employees without Covr Profiles tool.
This tool will prompt you to add individuals who are clocking in through your payroll system but who do not yet have an account in Covr.
*If your company’s payroll isn’t set up to provide this, no one will show up on this list.
To use this tool, open the Employees without Covr Profiles tool by clicking View All.
Find the employee you want to add from the list, then click Create a profile on their row.
Choose whether the person is an internal employee or an agency worker.
Fill in all the necessary information and click Next until you have reached the end. Click Finish to save their profile.
2️⃣ Adding an Employee From Scratch
If you cannot find the person you want to add on the Employees without Covr Profiles tool, you can choose to manually create the profile by selecting the Add Employee button on the top right of the screen.
Fill in all the necessary information. If there is a potential duplicate, Covr will prompt you to add the existing profile instead. Click Next until you have filled in all their information.
Click Finish to save their profile.