Covr freezes all data on the meal breaks report immediately before sending out the questionnaire to the employees. The questionnaire is typically sent to the employees around noon on the Sunday the pay period is ending. (Ie: If the timeframe you are looking at on the meal break report says 9/17-9/30, the questionnaire would be sent on 10/1 around noon and the meal break report data would be frozen prior to the questionnaire being sent out)
As a result, the last opportunity for Covr to import punches with any changes/updates to the meal break tool would be early morning on the Sunday that the questionnaires are sent out. We recommend any and all timeclock punch updates and changes to the employee list in Covr be made by Saturday at the latest.
Once the questionnaires are sent to the employees, the employees will have 24 hours to take the survey. Updates to the meal break report will then be based on how the employees answer the questionnaires. If the employee says that the violation in question was voluntary, that violation should no longer show as needing to be paid.