The Who You Need to Hire report looks at three things to determine how many people you should hire to hit your staffing goals:
Overtime hours worked
Agency hours worked
Hours of open shifts that were not filled
This means that in order for this report to work effectively, it is important to stay up to date with your agency usage and schedule in Covr.
You can access this report by going to the Insights tab.
Scroll to the very bottom to find the Rotating Reports/Tools and click on View All Reports/Tools.
Select the Who You Need to Hire report.
Once you have opened the report, you will see your hiring needs broken down by each shift with a total at the bottom. This report is based on the last four completed work weeks and is only accurate if you have been opening up needed shifts and recording agency workers in Covr.
Click on the ℹ️ to see a breakdown of how we came up with these numbers.
Covr totals the hours from three categories: overtime, agency, vacant shifts. We then convert that number to the amount of full time people needed, rounding to the nearest whole number. Anything above 20 hours will round up to count as at least one person to hire.
In the example below, 36 hours of overtime/agency/vacant shifts per week was converted to .9 and then rounded up to show as one full time employee needed.
Use the suggestions in this report to hire the right amount of employees so that you are consistently meeting your staffing goals.